CBD Oil Side Effects

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD oil, has gained a lot of media coverage in recent months due to many countries legalizing Weed / Marijuana. It may seem like the molecule of CBD has just been discovered, but it has been studied by scientists since the early 1970s. But what is CBD oil exactly, and why is it now suddenly popular?

What is CBD Oil?

CBD is a non-toxic chemical compound present in Cannabis sativa plants. Although CBD is a marijuana ingredient, it does not make you high as it contains very small amounts of THC.

CBD Oil Uses 

what is CBD oil good for? A wide range of illnesses and conditions have been helped by the health benefits of CBD oil. Below are the possible benefits of CBD oil backed by medical research.

  • Neuroprotective – Medical scientists have researched the influence of CBD on various neuropsychiatric disorders that deteriorate the brain and nerves. Research has suggested that CBD may also treat stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.
  • Seizure disorder – Cannabidiol drugs such as Epidiolex have shown effectiveness in the reduction of seizures and other seizure-like symptoms for all age groups. This prescription drug can only be successful in treating seizures caused by two forms of symptoms, Dravet syndrome or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
  • Cancer– It can occur almost anywhere in the body, affecting many people. Some forms of cancer are very lethal, depending on the type of cancer. Several medical researchers have found that CBD may play a major role in treating against cancer, but work is still in the early stages, so we may have to wait and see the findings before it can be completely developed for use
  • Anxiety and Depression – WHO estimates that about 300 million people worldwide are suffering from depression. Pharmaceutical drugs such as benzodiazepines sometimes referred to as “benzos” used to treat anxiety and depression, may be addictive and could also result in substance abuse. Medical research has been conducted on both humans and animals, and the results show the CBD oil can cause a decrease in anxiety and depression.

Side effects of CBD oil

While most people experience little to no CBD side effects, there are still a few things that could take place.

Drop-in blood pressure: Studies have shown that CBD oil reduces blood pressure in which can cause some patients to feel light-headed. This can be dangerous if the patient is already suffering from low blood pressure. While there is evidence of CBD oil helping people with diabetes and heart disease by lowering their blood pressure, it may have an impact on a person with normal to low blood pressure.

Dryness of the mouth: One of the effects of using any oral cannabis drug is that it leaves the mouth dry. The effect is usually called cotton mouth because it has the same sensation as having a ball of cotton in your mouth. The effect can be controlled by drinking a lot of water after you have taken the oil.

Dizziness – consuming CBD oil can cause dizziness, but for many consumers this effect is uncommon. Only when you have normal or lower blood pressure will you experience dizziness. The impact only lasts a few minutes for most people after taking CBD oil, and if you want to regain your balance quickly, taking a caffeinated beverage can help.

Sedation – Many people use Cannabis to relieve stress and depression through sedation, so it will not be surprising if you start to feel sleepy or tired after the intake of CBD oil.

Possible Negative CBD Oil Effects

The following are the common symptoms caused by the use of CBD oil

  • Nausea
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in mood
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea

CBD oil Precautions & Warnings

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Cannabidiol is not safe to use if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. CBD oil products may have substances that can be very dangerous to the baby or fetus if ingested. For this reason, it’s best to stay on the safe side and avoid them altogether or seek medical advice from your doctor.

Children: A prescription CBD oil product is safer if accepted by the child.  You can only give a child CBD products if the child is over 2 years of age. The most common dose is 10 mg and anything higher than that is likely to cause side effects.

Dosage and Preparation

There is no strict regulation on the proper use of CBD oil. If you want to use CBD oil effectively, you have to put it under your tongue. Luckily, the majority of CBD oil products are sold with a dropper cap and are normally available in 30 ml bottles. The daily dose ranges from 10 ml to 25 ml per day, which is usually sufficient to minimize the side effects.

Upon extraction, CBD can be produced as an oil or powder that can be mixed with creams or gels. It is then put in containers that allow the user to either consume the oil orally or apply it topically. 

What to Look For 

Since CBD oils are largely unregulated, there is no guarantee of the safety or efficiency of a product. Some guidelines for finding the best CBD oil are offered below:

Read the Product Label: When you choose a CBD oil product, don’t presume that all of the ingredients on the product label are safe. There might be flavours and preservatives of which you may have an allergic reaction.

Go organic: Do a little research to see if the company is certified organic. Ensuring that your products are organic means it is less likely that you will be exposed to pesticides and other harmful chemicals.


In summary, the use of CBD oil has helped many people with common health problems, such as acne, depression, anxiety, and heart disease. If you keep your CBD oil dosage to a minimum, there is very little risk that you will have the above-mentioned side effects. CBD oil will soon be the universal standard in the treatment of a lot of health problems – so best you get ahead of the curve.


  1. […] must take the appropriate dosage to avoid any unwanted side effects. If you’re just starting with CBD oil, it’s better to start with a smaller dosage and increase […]

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